Thursday, December 2, 2010

New Blog

Please go to my new and more up-to-date blog at:

Thanks and happy baking!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Learning To Fly Cakes and Pastries: Baby Boy Shower Tower

Learning To Fly Cakes and Pastries: Baby Boy Shower Tower: "Connie asked for a cupcake tower with 2 dozen cupcakes for the soon-to-be mother of a little boy. She even gave me a piece of the fabric sh..."

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Momma's 80th Birthday Party

Momma with her cake.
Ok...first of all, Mom's birthday is not until November 30, so technically she is NOT 80 yet.  However, the daughters she and Daddy reared and the children the daughters reared and the children of the children the daughters reared are from the South.  The South where the threat of a snowflake is reason enough to cancel school and the appearance of a snowflake is followed by sheer panic as evidenced by the masses herding to the grocery stores for bread and milk!  The South where 3 inches of snow can shut down an entire city for as many days and an ice storm can cripple civilization beyond belief.  The South where more than 3 days with temperatures below freezing is enough to warrant the season to be declared one of the worst winters ever.  So the very thought of driving to Kansas City at the end of November was horrific.  November is WINTER.  Kansas City is the MidWest.  November + MidWest = Cold, Snow, and/or Ice!  So Mom got her 80th birthday in October, on a beautiful, sunny, autumn day.

We had planned the celebration in the basement of a church, but when God saw fit to give us the beautiful weather we moved it to a shelter house on Longview Lake.  Fried chicken, ham, potato salad, baked beans, and chips!  Life doesn't get much better than that!

It was a wonderful celebration with all four of Mom's children, most of her grandchildren and great-granchildren there to share their love with her.  There was a lot of chatter, laughter, running, playing....Mom even went down a slide!  She and Daddy sat in lawn chairs and watch the kids play.  It was a special day for ALL of us.

Thanks, Momma, for all you have done for this entire family.  Love you so much.

Momma and Daddy -- now over 60 years of marriage!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Connor-man's Birthday Cake!

Connor, my soon-to-be 6 year old grandson, knew exactly what he wanted on his birthday cake, and Mamaw went to work!  He wanted a mom, a dad, a Connor, an "A" for Alabama, his name, a Mustang, a monster truck, and a motorcycle.  Well, the monster truck and motorcycle turned out to be thorns in Mamaw's decorating side, so Connor decided 3 cars on a race track would do.

Here are some pictures.  I can't wait to get pictures of Connor with his cake!

Baby Shower Tower

Goodies for a Baby Boy's Baby shower!! A cupcake topper cake with matching cupcakes for the cupcake tower to celebrate the soon arrival!

Joshua's Birthday Cake

Joshua, my soon-to-be 8 year old grandson wanted a Mario cake, but there was a catch! He wanted to make the decorations for it.  And so he did.  He worked on about 4 different occasions, getting things just right.  We had a great time planning and completing the cake.


I think he did a great job! What do you think?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

You want WHAT on your hubby's cake???

The "victim"
About a month before the event, Alice called me to order a birthday cake for her husband.  I asked her about decor.."Doesn't really matter.  We just like your almond-butter cake!"  And time passed.  About a week before the birthday, I texted her and asked again about decor.  This time, "Doesn't matter...something manly."  I had no idea what THAT golf?  autumn???  Then she texted me the following, "A dead possum!"  WHAT???

As it turned out, hubby had recently killed a possum with a b-b gun, and that turned out to be the theme of the cake!  YIKES....But it was fun and here it is!


Sunday, September 19, 2010

For Kristi: Alabama Fan and the Love of Bo's Life!

Happy Birthday and Roll Tide! There is no bigger Alabama fan than Kristi!  She is a crimson and white, houndstooth wearing forever fan of Bama!  So what better cake for her than this!

Above all, Kristi is the mother of Hayden and Connor, 2 of my wonderful grandsons, and the love of my Bo's life.  What a precious blessing she is to our family!  

Happy Birthday, Kristi! 

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Jessica's "Fashion Statement"

Jessica is a up-and-coming fashion and textile creator.  She is one talented young lady, so when her mom got ready to order a birthday cake for her, she knew exactly the theme: FASHION......with gold shoes, a leather purse, and lots and lots of jewelry.   It was great fun and frustration to make as I had never tried some of the "accessories" before, but I did it and all was completely edible.

Ready to celebrate!
 Jessica and I agree -- it certainly makes a "FASHION STATEMENT"!  Happy birthday, Jessica.  I know you will go far as you pursue your career in design.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My afternoon with Hayden

After Hayden's first football game, he came home with me to chill a while!  We ate lunch, played on the computer a bit, and then I remembered that I had a small cake in the freezer!  Hayden had a fun time learning to work my KitchenAid mixer while he made delicious frosting and then decorating his cake.  He did a great job, and it was such fun having time with just Hayden and MaMaw.  He is growing up so fast....but growing up into such a fine young man.  Love you with all my heart, Hayden.  Thanks for spending time with me today!